
Expo is an open-source framework for apps that run natively on Android, iOS, and the web. Expo brings together the best of mobile and the web and enables many important features for building and scaling an app.

Expo is a set of tools built on top of React Native. The Nx Plugin for Expo contains generators for managing Expo applications and libraries within an Nx workspace.

Setting Up Expo

To create a new workspace with Expo, run the following command:

npx create-nx-workspace@latest --preset=expo --appName=your-app-name


Keep Nx Package Versions In Sync

Make sure to install the @nx/expo version that matches the version of nx in your repository. If the version numbers get out of sync, you can encounter some difficult to debug errors. You can fix Nx version mismatches with this recipe.

In any Nx workspace, you can install @nx/expo by running the following command:

This will install the correct version of @nx/expo.

How @nx/expo Infers Tasks

The @nx/expo plugin will create a task for any project that has an app configuration file present. Any of the following files will be recognized as an app configuration file:

  • app.config.js
  • app.json

In the app config file, it needs to have key expo:

1{ 2 "expo": { 3 "name": "MyProject", 4 "slug": "my-project" 5 } 6} 7

View Inferred Tasks

To view inferred tasks for a project, open the project details view in Nx Console or run nx show project my-project --web in the command line.

@nx/expo Configuration

The @nx/expo/plugin is configured in the plugins array in nx.json.

1{ 2 "plugins": [ 3 { 4 "plugin": "@nx/expo/plugin", 5 "options": { 6 "startTargetName": "start", 7 "serveTargetName": "serve", 8 "runIosTargetName": "run-ios", 9 "runAndroidTargetName": "run-android", 10 "exportTargetName": "export", 11 "prebuildTargetName": "prebuild", 12 "installTargetName": "install", 13 "buildTargetName": "build", 14 "submitTargetName": "submit" 15 } 16 } 17 ] 18} 19
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Once a Expo configuration file has been identified, the targets are created with the name you specify under startTargetName, serveTargetName, runIosTargetName, runAndroidTargetname, exportTargetName, prebuildTargetName, installTargetName, buildTargetName or submitTargetName in the nx.json plugins array. The default names for the inferred targets are start, serve, run-ios, run-anroid, export, prebuild, install, build and submit.

Package reference

Here is a list of all the executors and generators available from this package.



  • update

    Start an EAS update for your expo project

  • build

    Start an EAS build for your expo project

  • build-list

    List all EAS builds for your Expo project

  • run

    Run the Android app binary locally or run the iOS app binary locally

  • start

    Start a local dev server for the app or start a Webpack dev server for the web app

  • sync-deps

    Syncs dependencies to package.json (required for autolinking).

  • ensure-symlink

    Ensure workspace node_modules is symlink under app's node_modules folder.

  • prebuild

    Create native iOS and Android project files for building natively.

  • install

    Install a module or other package to a project.

  • export

    Export the JavaScript and assets for your app using Metro/webpack bundler

  • submit

    Submit app binary to App Store and/or Play Store

  • serve

    Serve up the Expo web app locally
